Former FTX CEO Seeks $10M Insurance Fund for Legal Defense, Request Opposed by FTX Debtors and Unsecured Creditors

Court filings reveal that the FTX co-founder is seeking access to a $10 million insurance plan to cover his attorney fees. FTX debtors and unsecured creditors have opposed Sam Bankman-Fried’s request, arguing that every dollar spent on his defense isone

FTX Bankman-Fried kasutab väidetavalt Alameda vahendeid õiguskaitse eest tasumiseks

Kahe FTX-ile lähedase allika järgi, Sam Bankman-Fried, häbiväärne kaasasutaja, andis isale, Stanfordi õiguse professor Joseph Bankman, miljoneid dollareid. Väidetavalt kasutatakse raha õigusabikulude katmiseks. Allikad ütlesid, et Bankman-Fried andis väidetavalt…

Stanford Alumni Revealed as Co-Signers of FTX Co-Founder’s $250M Bond

According to the latest court documents in the fraud case involving former FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried in Manhattan, the New York judge presiding over the case unsealed the co-signers of Bankman-Fried’s bond on Wednesday. The names of the two bail bond

Alameda uurimistööd $446 Miljonid väidetavad eelisedastused Voyager Digitalile

Esmaspäeval, Alameda Research Ltd. esitas Voyager Digital LLC ja HTC Trading Inc. vastu juriidilise kaebuse. USA-s. pankrotikohus. Kaebuses väidetakse, et kostjad said Alameda Researchilt eelisõigusega vara võõrandamist ja hagejad taotlevad…

Endine FTX inseneridirektor USA õiguskaitseorganite kontrolli all, Väidetavad pakkumise istungid toimusid prokuröridega New Yorgis

USA. Õiguskaitseametnikud uurivad väidetavalt Nishad Singhit, endine FTX inseneridirektor, vastavalt raportile, milles viidatakse asjaga tuttavatele inimestele. Veel üks aruanne, avaldatud jaanuaril. 10, 2023, üksikasjad, mida Singh kohtus föderaalprokuröridega…

US Government Seizes Robinhood Shares Linked to FTX Founder Sam Bankman-Fried

USA. Justiitsministeerium (DOJ) is in the process of seizing Robinhood shares, worth about $460 miljonit, that are linked to former FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF). “We believe that these assets are not property of the bankruptcy estate or

Aruanne näitab finantsprobleeme, mis Bankman-Friedi Alameda uuringut vaevasid nii varakult kui 2018

Enne FTX kokkuvarisemist eeldati, et Alameda Research oli üks parimaid kvantitatiivseid kauplemisettevõtteid ja turutegijaid selles valdkonnas.. Kuid, suur osa sellest arusaamast võis olla fassaad, kuna hiljutises aruandes kirjeldatakse Alameda kannatamist…

FTX Co-Founder Faces ‘No-Nonsense’ Judge Next Week, Report Says SBF ‘Expected to Enter a Plea’ in Fraud Case

According to court documents, Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF) is set to be arraigned by the federal court in the Southern District of New York (SDNY) on Jan. 3, 2023. The disgraced FTX co-founder plans to enter a plea in his fraud case

Reports Suggest Caroline Ellison Is Working With Feds and Snitching on FTX Co-Founder Bankman-Fried

Following the arrest of the former FTX boss Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF), spectators continue to wonder where ex-Alameda Research CEO Caroline Ellison is, and whether or not she turned on SBF. A few reports suggest Ellison is “likely working with feds” and

Bahamian Government Officials Allegedly Asked SBF to Mint Millions of Dollars in New Tokens Amid the FTX Collapse

Esmaspäeval, court documents from lawyers involved with the FTX Trading LTD Chapter 11 bankruptcy case allege that the government of The Bahamas asked the disgraced FTX co-founder Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF) to mint new crypto tokens. The lawyers detailed that it